Custom Made Chambers

Custom Made Chambers


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Why am I experiencing Vacuum Loss?


QUESTION: Is there an effective way to reduce or completely remove the vacuum loss caused by detaching the pump?
I normally lose 1.5-2 in HG when I detach, so I've generally just kept the pump attached.

I have had instances, well experiments, where I detach the pump, waited a few minutes, and reattached it to check the pressure, and it simply read zero pressure. Is detaching the pump causing a leak somehow?

ANSWER: One must understand that the vacuum created inside the chamber is an extremely small amount. You can test this for yourself. Just put your finger on the end of the hose and plug the male fitting end with your finger. Then draw out some vacuum, go up to 10 hg and then pull your finger off. You'll notice that pulling your finger off the plugged end of the hose doesn't require any effort at all! 

 Now consider what it is that is allowing your LG Hanger chamber to contain the vacuum.... it's the seal between the silicone rubber sleeve and the skin of your penis. So just disconnecting the hose from your chamber will in fact promote a small loss of vacuum, but as long as your chamber is holding the weight onto your penis that's all that matters!
Vacuum will diminish during the time you are hanging. You don't need to continually monitor the level of vacuum in the chamber, just plugging the hose back into the chamber will cause more vacuum to escape. This notion that you must keep a certain amount of vacuum in the chamber at all time is erroneous! As long as your chamber is not slipping off your penis while you are hanging that is all that matters!

The LG Hanger is not a penis pump! You don't need to constantly prime the pump to increase or maintain vacuum levels. Again I stress that as long as your chamber is not slipping off your penis, leave it alone and let it do it's job!
If however your chamber is slipping that is a problem with the seal between the rubber and your penis. Rubber maintenance is vitally important. I recommend after every 30 hours of wear time that you remove your rubber and wash it with hot soapy water, and dry it with a clean cotton towel (do not use a paper towel). Keeping your rubber clean is very important! It helps prolong the life of the rubber and it's tackiness along with promoting a good seal between it and your penis skin.
 I also recommend that you only use the LG Hanger when your penis is clean! If you have been working and things got sweaty, then you need to shower before using. If you are like some men who like to incorporate your hanging sessions with a pumping session you must clean your skin in between sessions. Any lubricant or lotion on the skin of your penis while hanging will compromise the rubber/skin seal integrity. 

 Also keep this in mind.... rubber does wear out, and once you start to notice that your chamber is slipping habitually you need to replace your rubber with a new piece!

Q & A: How Does the LG Hanger Work?

- Is hanging and girth good idea? Does it slow down length gains?
- How does it work?
- Where can I buy it? How much is it?
- How many other people have bought it and seen gains?
- What is the maximum weight I can hang from it?

Thanks for you help. yes, hanging in and girth work is a good idea. Though there are several streams of thoughts on this process, early on it has been suggested to focus on length work first, and then eventually shift over to girth. With the advent of the LG hanger, if you have time you can do both together. Because, the LG hanger is vacuum-based as is pumping, therefore they are complementary. if I had to choose one over the other, I would go for length gains first.

How does it work. At the end of this response I will give you a discussion of how it works in great detail, but for now I would like to answer or respond to your other question.

You can buy the LG hanger at When you go to the site, options will be given to you regarding the different packages and the costs.

Under MD initiated penis enlargement, over the last number of years around 200 patients have successfully use the LG hanger to supplement their surgery in a medically supervised environment. I personally supervised numerous students, I do not have a precise number, but it is extensive in their use of the LG hanger. The majority of people who are motivated achieve gains. This is not hit or miss situation, you must be motivated and consistent to reach your goals as in any endeavor in life, tenacity is essential. If such is initiated one can expect 1 to 3 inch gains in length over several years to be general. Those who are motivated and consistent are the ones who achieve the games.

The maximum weight thus far observed is 25 pounds or more, I've tested the LG hanger up to this level on numerous occasions as I needed to know its capacity. Before the LG hanger was invented, I use the bib hanger which is excellent, I gain multiple inches and by the time I reach 25 to 27 pound level, BTC or SD, I found that be quite sufficient, therefore I decided that I wanted the upper limit of the LG hanger to be 25 pounds or possibly more. This is the case, I have many students who are at the 20 pound Mark give or take several pounds.

These are very good questions, and I can understand your inclination not to spend a laborious amount of time reading information and misinformation by anonymous people. I will now present an article I wrote several years ago explaining the mechanism of penis enlargement through traction. I hope that sheds some light on your questions, should you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, I have left contact information on my signature.

The Precise Mechanism of the PE Response through Manual and Mechanical Intervention.

by  Dr. Richard R. Howard II

The penis is a specialized vascular framework constructed to inflate to a rigid state called erection. The shaft consists of three chambers, the two corpora cavernosa CC on the dorsal side and one corpus spongeosum CS whic lies between CC on the ventral side. Within these chambers are prominent slit like spaces rich in blood cells, as they are really modified veins also called vascular plexus. The slit like vascular spaces are composed of abundant amount of smooth muscle with lesser amounts of fibrous tissue, lined by endothelium, this is called erectile tissue. Separating the CC and CS is a very thick band of connective tissue called the tunica albuginea composed mostly of bi-layered collagen and elastic fibers. The elastic fibers form an irregularly latticed network on which collagen fibers rest. It is this elastic network that gives the penis elasticity, allowing it to expand and contract.

The limiting factor in PE is the tunica albuginea and septum composed of collagen and elastic tissue. The collagen is very tough connective tissue constructed by nature to insure optimum structural integrity or strength. Think of a tendon or ligament, this is also composed of collagen. Your body’s entire structural framework is composed mostly of collagen, including bone.

To cause the penis to grow, you must overcome the structural bonds of the collagen. Through sufficient traction called critical traction when applied consistently along the length and diameter of the penis, the molecular bonds of the collagen will separate and undergo remodeling to a larger size.

The interior tissue is composed mainly of the vascular plexus consisting of epithelium lining, with abundant smooth muscles and some fibrous tissue. When sufficient traction is applied to the collagen, this results in a controlled bond breaking/separation and remodeling process making the collagen longer and larger. Think of separating a brick wall and filling it in with additional bricks resulting in a larger brick wall. The interior vascular plexus goes along for the ride, but itself is transformed into greater mass. The endothelium lining of the vascular slits undergoes mitosis, the abundant smooth muscle framework adjacent to the endothelium undergoes hypertrophy and mitosis (there are studies that support the proposition that mitosis can occur in smooth muscle cells), and the arteries and veins follow the same growth course mentioned above, with the remaining fibrous tissue undergoing remodeling. The slow growing peripheral nerves will grow and elongate when stimulated. Therefore the entire package gets bigger under sufficient constructive critical traction, with the collagenous structure being the limiting factor. If the collagen bond breaking is sufficient, with cementing, the process is likely permanent.

A brief look at “nubie gains”. A “nubie” is a person never implementing PE. Once implemented he will experience characteristic easy gains. Unchallenged or unstressed collagen has slack or crimps allowing a stretching out scenario removing these crimps resulting in quick gains for the beginner. Under this condition, the collagen bonds generally remain intact until the critical traction level is applied.

The attachment points are composed of collagenous tissue called ligaments and skeletal muscular tissue. The main ligaments are called suspensory ligaments and fundiform ligaments. The primary base muscles are called the bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles.

Ligaments are composed of densely packed collagen fibers which are white and relatively inelastic. Mechanical properties vary with shape and structural organization. This connective tissues is characterized by sparse cellularity distributed within an extracellular matrix. Cells in tendons and ligaments are called fibroblasts. These ligaments consist of 70-80% collagen and 20% fibroblasts. Upon initiating traction the crimps of the ligament collagen are pulled out or straightened first, then additional traction triggers molecular transformation via molecular bond breaking and remodeling, again resulting in longer, larger ligaments.

The skeletal muscles called bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles are attachment points at the base of the penis, therefore traction will elicit the same changes in them as arm curls will elicit in your biceps and triceps. Whilst under traction, all muscular tissue at the base of the penis will undergo hypertrophy, strengthen and thus enlarge.

1. Frank H. Netter, M.D., The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations, Reproductive System, 1997; Volume 2, Page 9.
2. Gerald Brock, Geng-Long Hsu, Lora Nunes, Burkhard von Heyden, Tom F. Lue -"The Anatomy of the Tunica Albuginea in the Normal Penis and Peyronie's Disease" - J Urol. 1997; Volume 157, Issue 1, 276-281
3. Robert F. Diegelmann, PhD, Collagen Metabolism, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VirginiaPosted: 02/04/2002; Wounds. 2001;13(5) © 2001 Health Management Publications, Inc.
4. Tetsuya Nakatani Takashi Marui Toshiaki Hitora Minoru Doita Kotaro Nishida Masahiro Kurosaka. Mechanical stretching force promotes collagen synthesis by cultured cells from human ligamentum flavum via transforming growth factor‐β1. J Orthopaedic Res. November 2002; Volume 20, Issue 6, Pages: 1380–1386.
5. 5. 5 Hsu G-L , Brock GB , Martinez-Pineiro L , Nunes L , von Heyden B , Lue TF . The three-dimensional structure of the tunica albuginea: anatomical and ultrastructural levels. . Int. J. Impotence Res. . 1992;4:117 .
6. Balestrini JL, Billiar KL. Magnitude and duration of stretch modulate fibroblast remodeling. J Biomech Eng. 2009 May;131(5):051005.
7. Baek SR et al, J Elast 80:13–31, 2005.

8. Driessen NJB et al, Biomechan Model Mechanobiol.7:93–103, .2008.

9. Humphrey JD et al, Math Models Methods Appl Sci 12:407–430, 2002

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Are the Doctors we work with "real" doctors?

QUESTION: Are the Doctors we work with "real" doctors?
LG Hanger currently works closely with two doctors:

1)-Richard R. Howard II, Dr. PH, MS, MPH
2)-Alexander A. Krakovsky MD, PhD, DrSc, FAAPS
CREDENTIALS: Richard R. Howard II, Dr. PH, MS, MPH

Brief Biography of Dr. Richard R. Howard II
Areas of expertise are Health and Fitness Advisor, Researcher,  Financier, and Advisor in Male Sexual Enhancement.  (Stock Market, Real Estate).

Degrees earned are B.B.A., Loyola University, New Orleans; M.P.H ., M.S., Dr. P.H. Tulane University 1988 majoring in biochemistry and public health. His doctoral dissertation at Tulane University was on effect of vitamin C and ophthalmic wound healing.
Researcher Organic Chemistry Loyola University , educator Dominican College, New Orleans; researcher Biochemistry Tulane University School of Medicine 1978-88; health and fitness advisor Howard Medical Clinic 1982-1990.

Author, Vitamin C and Ophthalmic Wound Healing 1988 and other research papers.

Veterans Administration grantee 1984; Member of Tri Beta National Biological Honor Society; Biography listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America 1992-present and Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 1992-present, and Who’s Who in Finance and Industry 1994-present.
I am a student of health and wholeness and the stock market and economic trends- great passions.  I have spent a number of years professionally counseling in the areas of health, fitness including PE, nutrition and supplementation as well as the stock market paradigms of success. I have a desire to help and encourage others to achieve their dreams in all dimensions of wholeness, health, finances and if they are so inclined, spirituality. We are only limited by our imagination. Nothing ventured nothing gained. All things are possible through faith. Location: New Orleans, LA Interests: Health fitness, body building, swimming, running, golf, piano, sexual mastery, and spirituality. Occupation: researcher, health professional, PE teacher, co-inventor of the LG hanger, Stock Market investor.

CREDENTIALS: Alexander A. Krakovsky MD, PhD, DrSc, FAAPS

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science
  • Professor of Medicine and Surgery
  • Cosmetic, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon
  • General Secretary of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
  • Medical Director of Advanced Teaching Courses of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
  • Founder and Medical Director of the International Aesthetic and Cosmetic Center
  • Fellow of the International Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
  • Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
  • Member of the American Society of Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Doctor Alexander Krakovsky received his medical degree in the former Soviet Union. He began his medical career as a general surgeon after completing general surgery residency program, serving rural areas in various places in the U.S.S.R. After serving in this capacity for a few years, he entered his first (cardiovascular surgery) fellowship program at the most prestigious center in the country, the Cardiovascular Institute of Medical Science of the U.S.S.R. in Moscow. He defended his Ph.D. and Dr.Sc. degrees in medical science while was working as an assistant and associate professor at the same institution. He continued his medical training entered his second (plastic surgery) fellowship program in Paris, France where he learned full spectrum of plastic and cosmetic surgery including liposuction technique and then his entered his third (research) fellowship program in Wayne State University, Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI, USA. After completing these trainings he was elected as a full professor and chief of the plastic surgery department at the Cardiovascular Institute of Medial Science of the U.S.S.R. in Moscow.

During his entire medical career, Dr. Krakovsky has been interested in performing plastic surgery. Following his move to the United States, Dr. Krakovsky completed his internship at Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA, his second residency program at Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA, his fourth fellowship program at UMDNJ, Newark, NJ, USA and became a licensed physician and surgeon in the state of California. After established his private
practice Dr. Krakovsky continued education in cosmetic surgery and completing his fifth fellowship (apprenticeship) program in genital cosmetic surgery.
Dr. Krakovsky is internationally renowned as a traveling speaker and educator in the areas of cosmetic, plastic and aesthetic surgery. He was named as one of the 100 Best Cosmetic Surgeons in the World in 2008 and one of the 100 Best Cosmetic Surgeons of the Millennium in 2005, has been awarded both Honorary Professorship at the South East Asia College of Cosmetic Surgery and Honorary Membership in the French Society of Aesthetic Surgery. In 2009 Dr. Krakovsky awarded recognition certificate as one of America’s Most Compassionate Doctor. Dr. Krakovsky has presented his medical, scientific, and practical work extensively worldwide. He
has published over 100 medical articles, and 8 books and book chapters. Dr. Krakovsky has served as a faculty in over 60 medical meetings; as a consultant to numerous biomedical companies; and as a member of several Speakers Bureaus.

Today, Dr. Krakovsky’s medical practice is focused on male and female aesthetic/plastic/cosmetic procedures/surgeries and physician education around the world. These includes traditional and modern liposculpture techniques from various places of human body with the use of Laser and Vaser technology; surgical corrections of overweight people performing traditional and modified
abdominoplasty with and without liposuction; body countering after major weight loss for men and women; breast augmentation for women and breast reduction for men (gynecomastia treatment); injectable cosmetic treatment such as sclerotherapy, botulinum toxin, various fillers for face and body rejuvenation; private male and female makeover that include but not limited to mommy makeover allowing regain the shape of the belly after childbirth.

Dr. Krakovsky holds several the United States Patents describing various devices and techniques and a couple of trademarks.


• Dissertations - 2
• Patents and patent applications - 5
• Books and Chapters - 8
• Articles and Abstracts - 120
• Lectures and Presentations - 73
• Professional Memberships - 7
• Board Memberships - 2
• Awards - 6
• National and International Traveling Speaker: Cosmetic, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery
• Faculty of National and International Meetings - 63
• Speakers Bureaus - 4

Full list of 120 medical publications, books and book chapters is available upon requests.
Professional Memberships:
1. American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
2. American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
3. American Academy of Pain Medicine
4. Asian Pacific Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
5. International Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
6. Sexual Medicine Society of North America
7. American Academy of Phalloplasty Surgeons

Partial list of Faculty of National and International Medical Meetings:
1. II International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine
2. II Pan-American Congress of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Surgery
3. III National Meeting of Aesthetic Medicine
4. 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd Annual Meeting of American Academy of Pain Medicine
5. Second World Congress on Advanced Cosmetic Surgery
6. First World Congress on Liposuction Surgery
7. First World Fair of Cosmetic Products & Medical Equipment
8. 17th World Congress of Sexology
9. 8th , 9th , 10th and 11th Annual Meetings of the American Academy of Phalloplasty


10. World Congress of Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine
11. 3rd , 4th and 5th Annual Meetings of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
12. 8th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine
13. 22nd and 24th Annual Meetings of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
14. 1st International Congress of Asian Society of Asian Cosmetic Surgery
15. 4th and 5th Annual Meeting of Comprehensive Review of Sexual Medicine
16. World Congress of Cosmetic Surgery
17. 23rd International Congress of the French Society of Aesthetic Surgery
18. 3rd World Congress of Aesthetic Medicine

Board Memberships:
1. American Academy of Phalloplasty Surgeons
2. American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
1. 100 Best Cosmetic Surgeons of the Millennium for 2005

2. 100 Best Cosmetic Surgeons in the World for 2008
3. Honorary Professor of Asian Pacific Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons
4. Honorary Professor of South East Asia College of Cosmetic Surgery
5. Honorary Member of French Society of Aesthetic Surgeons
6. America’s Most Compassionate Doctor for 2009
Speakers Bureaus:
1. Cephalon, Inc.

2. Janssen Pharmaceutica
3. Perdue Pharma L.P.
4. Elan Pharmaceutical