Custom Made Chambers

Custom Made Chambers


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Q&A RE: testicle enlarger

Hi M,
Yes I have given this a great deal of thought to increasing testicle size. One way to do it is a combination of consistent pumping with a cylinder and vacuum pump, that would either fit on the testicles or both the penis and the testicles. When the testicles are being pumped, you must use a lower vacuum for safety reasons.

I feel a combination of pumping your testicles and testicular massage will eventually increase the size of testicles. We do sell a LG hanger testicle enlarger, attached is a photograph, while it is not listed on the site, eventually it will be available, for now the LG testicle enlarger is a special order item. I'm glad you asked the question.

Best regards,

Richard R. Howard II, Dr. PH, MS, MPH
Your Penis Doctor
cell  504-606-5856 
e-mail –
wedsite -,   
skype:  drpupp           

In a message dated 4/27/2014 3:30:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time

Hello, I've recently heard of you from looking up hanging for penile enlargement and seeing the LG Hanger. I searched more about you and you're obviously very knowledgeable about this subject and I have no doubt you'll eventually make the breakthroughs that will allow the average man to grow 5 inches longer and much much thicker as you state in one of your blogspot posts from the LGH site. But I wanted to ask if you've ever given thought to increasing testicle size? Do you believe it's possible to do so? You've thoroughly challenged the notion that once puberty is over you cannot grow your penis. Also I feel a giant penis is great but it becomes less attractive when the balls look like grapes in comparison. Do you feel you might ever look into increasing testicular size, especially after reaching your goals for penile size? Thanks -M

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