Custom Made Chambers

Custom Made Chambers


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

REVIEW: Benz Extender How it Works




Hey Lads! Thanks for joining me!

I wanted to tell you today about the New LG Hanger Benz Extender.

Now I’ve been lucky enough to have this for a couple of months now and I want to tell you all about my experience and tell you what this thing is like, Give you a little bit of a demonstration, Talk with you about the build and the quality of this device, and turn you guys on to something that is not only going to last you a life time of PE but is also going to give you some great results.

And I have never been stretched like I have been stretched from this device here.

Now I’ve been hanging for many years, and I have used extenders and most of the time I just file them away or throw them out. This thing I’m going to always use. Its just that good.

So let me get right into it.

I’m going to talk with about the precision made components which they are, they’re machined on a three axes CNC mill and they use, well its really Marlon from LG Hanger who is the foreman of the shop and he uses high quality materials like aluminum, stainless steel, and brass and all of this is none corrosive. This thing is going to remain in this condition for its lifetime.

Now these springs are rated at fourteen point five pounds under one inch of compression and twenty point four pounds with you know, fully compressed. Trust me, trust me, I doubt that your going to get close to cranking this thing anywhere near twenty pounds. And I mean you know, thirteen pounds a day, and you know this is enough springage for you.

And uh there’s two things about this particular device that are amazing now, um of course we have the stabilizer bar which you see on most units of course that’s mandatory, but that is not the amazing thing about this.

Two amazing things about this that they work in tandem with each other, and that is the Fulcrum here, this Fulcrum bar which has 1.9 inches of adjustment length which is a lot, and we also have this, and this is almost like between that this, this pivoting base which pivots um this adjustable pelvic ring pivots ninety degrees both upper and lower. Its incredible. That in conjunction with this Fulcrum is the crown jewel of this extender.

I saw a lot of people belly aching on Reddit about, uh oh well it’s a lot of money for this device and, yes it is, this device is expensive and its not meant for everybody. SO, there you have it, it might not be for you and that’s ok.

Uh, for the people it is for you guy are going to love it because this stretch that you can get from this extender is second to none in my opinion. And it, there is one thing that I tried here, I tried it straight down, like this…

And there was quite a bit of tension on here. It was probably at the end of my session. And I positioned the Fulcrum, its very simple, right now I have it loose and free flowing,  and just do like this and…, its done, its not moving anywhere.

Alright, so, I had it facing straight down. And I had, a bit of tension like I told you and, this device starts to go like this and, almost underneath me like a BTC stretch. It was really really good.

And um, its just one of those things that, you know, what other device does this? And, no other device does this. No other device has a Fulcrum that is, not, um this Fulcrum is just intrusive enough to give you the kind of um, bend that you need. This stretch, additional stretch that you need, without hurting you, and that is really important. Um da, one of the things that I really like about LG Hangers stuff is that its built with safety in mind.

Now the way that this ring is cut, its very easy to go in here, and what I like to use, is with this, just reaching back here to get it, is LG Hangers Chamber. Ok.

Now, can you use other chambers with this, absolutely. Absolutely, there’s a hook right here,  you have a hook on top of your chamber, your grand, your ready to go. Your ready to stretch.

Now, the reason I like this is because they made this, they made this chamber to my size. Also, the medical grade material that’s used on these sleeves is just incredible so everything feels really custom fit, and I like that, I like that, again, this chamber is not inexpensive. Its not for everybody. If your struggling to, to make ends meet, this is probably not the device you need. But if you want to have a premium device that’s going to last you a life time, from somebody whos going to give you incredible support, Marlons the guy over at LG Hanger. I know it sounds like an, ah, ah, paid avert, but it ain’t, ok. I’m telling you my experience. I’ve been this for years now. And I highly recommend him. I have bothered him at all hours. Uh, sorry Marlon. Uh, and he’s always helped me. He’s always gotten back to me, and what else can you say guys. Just what else can you say.

And now I’m going to give you a wee demonstration.

Ok guys I’m going to show you exactly how I use this, minus using my own penis because, it’s YouTube, you know, its twenty twenty four, you know how it goes here.

So the first thing I’ve done, is I’ve rolled up the sleeve and I’m ready to insert my penis, this’ll this’ll reflect myself, and I’ve put myself in, now I’m going to roll uh, the sleeve down on top of it.

Lets see if I can get it down. Now, now usually there is a rubber band here. And I don’t know why I’ve took mine off, I just did. So, there you go.

Anyways, so I’ve rolled the sleeve all the way down and now what I do next is I put on this piece of Velcro at the base of the sleeve, So I can get an absolute airtight situation going on.

Then what I do is I take the pump, I’m just gong to insert it right here. And I pump pump pump pump pump. As you can see I’ve used this a lot. And then, yeah. I’ve, I use this thing every day. So let me take this thing off. Come off, and right now what I’ve got is I have myself inside the chamber.

So what I do is I take this pelvic cushion and I simply just stretch it over.

So you have to imagine that this now is at the base. Just do a little of this. This is at the base base right here on my pelvic bone. OK, now all I do, I, to get into the extender, this, I make sure that the fulcrum is at the upper most position. And I go in through here. Very easy and, just like that. SO you can imagine that this, is right up against my pelvic bone. Now I’m ready to start the stretch.

Now what I do is I usually pull the Fulcrum back to the lowest position because I have these thumb screws at the lowest position. Now I was just screwing them upward. Because this has taken me so many takes, I’ve forgot to put them  down.

So I usually start down here, with no tension or very very little, ok so, I hook up and I’m ready to go.

So right here, that’s when I start working these thumb screws up. Ok, and as it goes up Your going to notice that your penis goes further across this fulcrum. So, ok you might be even, you even have some of the sleeve on the Fulcrum. Don’t worry about it. This is of course length dependent.

If your very long, your going to start out longer and the Fulcrum going to be more over your shaft and if your not as long its going to be over the sleeve. Just not a big deal. Ok you are gong to gain length and if your very good with this, meaning if your disciplined with it, you are going to have gains. Theres no doubt about it. This thing gives you a stretch like you wouldn’t even believe. So, Um, your gong to believe it once you try it. Your going to see what I mean. Because this Fulcrum situation is unbelievable. If you can see what kind of angle you can get. I occasionally will do an angle like this. If I want to get kind of a BTC kind of thing going, um I might pull the Fulcrum a bit forward. And that’s very easy to do. Also you can move the Fulcrum within the session. Which is brilliant. Ok, so, just, its very easy. That’s also why I like to put a wee bit of cocoanut oil on here. Just a wee bit. Ok, that way my skin slides over it nice an easy. But there have been many times, many session when I haven’t used it and its not a big deal. Locking the adjustable pelvic ring is just like super simple. Ok, very very simple, and these provide a lot of pressure, this does not move. So that’s pretty much it. If you have questions please put the questions down below. I look forward to hearing out the gains that you guys make this and your experience with using it. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions in the comments section below. And I will be more than happy to answer them. Also, please do not forget, you have access to a discount, if you use the word IRISH in all caps, ok.

So best of luck and train safety.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Benz Extender with Adjustable Fulcrum Bar and Pivoting Pelvic Ring

The NEW Benz Extender


The above video shows the Benz Extender and how the adjustable Fulcrum Bar and Pelvic Pivot Head work. The springs generate over 20 pounds of tension and the Benz can be worn for extended times.
This is made of top quality materials right here in our own machine shop. We have limited quantities available so act fast and get your now.

Friday, February 16, 2024

VENTED Glans Cap Now Available


The NEW Vented Glans Cap

We've had some clients request a Vented Cap for hanging and have decided to add one to our ever growing product line of men's male enhancement items. 
It is a one size fits all and is super stretchy. 
The cap measurements are approximately 45mm (1.77") by 22mm (.866") in width 

The VENTED Glands cap is a great addition to the LG Hanger and can be used to help protect the glands while inside the chamber, making it the most comfortable hanging system on the market today.

 Similar to a support stocking, this protector cap exerts a slight pressure on the surface of the skin, reliably preventing side-effects such as swelling of the glans. The vents help with sweat issues and suction in the port area of your chamber.
The direct link to our Glans Caps:

EXTENDER Rods: How to Replace them



OK, to remove the standard length extender rods and replace them with the longer rods. 
This is what you’ll need to do. You need a 10 mm wrench or an adjustable crescent wrench. 
If you have one of the new extenders with the upgrade of the stable bar to prevent the twisting, then the first thing you need to do is just loosen these nuts and take them off. 
Disassemble these nuts off, take the stable bars off, remove this nuts and then you need to remove the spring bar which you can do by just doing this now. 
These thumb screws will have to come off. Also do both sides. You may have metal ones. We upgraded these to the brand here, so then the next thing you need to do, 
remove these also, or just loosen here on both sides. 
Righty tidy, lefty Lucy, and then just unscrew the threaded rod from the pelvic ring mounts. Take the nuts off and then reassemble using the long rods to screw the raw nuts onto each one and then put it back together the same way it was before. Back in the nuts backed off a little ways so that the rod fully threads down into the pivot mount and then take your ranch and snug that back up on both sides. So now we’re gonna go put everything back the way it was. Put both of these back on however long your penis is. You’re gonna make the adjustment and then like I said this this is goes back on like that. Both sides will go in here down there and then put the other thumbs on top reassemble the spring, the stable bar on top with the four nuts two on the bottom of this plate two on the top, snug it back up with your tender ranch or your adjustable crescent wrench and that’s it!

Thursday, August 31, 2023

NEW Vented All Night Cap For ADANS-(All Day All Night System)

The NEW Vented All Night Cap  

Click on the movie below for a 360 view of the vented cap

Introducing the New A.D.A.N.S (All Day All Night System!)

We here at LG Hanger have been listening to our clients requests for an All Night System and have invented a NEW Vented Cap!
These are new to the market and we have made a limited quantity of 35 to be marketed for feed back!

The Vented caps will be sold on our website until gone and we would appreciate feedback!

Both the Day and Vented Night cap will be included in the ADANS system linked at the bottom of this email.

The new Night Vented cap is wider than the Day use cap and is not only comfortable enough to wear all night, 
but prevents sweat build up, suction issues, and the potential for blisters while sleeping because the included sleeve will be doing the bulk of the work.