The Breakdown of Mechanically Activated Involuntary Reflex (MAIR) Exercises
By Adrian Caruso
By Adrian Caruso
When I first started looking into how to grow my penis, I started with the beginner exercises that all men do: Stretching and jelqing
What is Jelqing? How to Jelq to a Bigger & Harder Penis-Link below:
What is Jelqing? How to Jelq to a Bigger & Harder Penis ...
The jelq is the backbone of every other penis enlargement exercise floating around on the Internet. If your goal is to improve the size and hardness of your penis ...
While these two exercises were well known and effective, I really hated how i hardly knew anything about the mechanics of WHY they worked. After using these two proven techniques for a time, I decided to delve deeper into the pool of known exercises. It was while I began to look at other exercises that I began to bump into physical therapy techniques and bodybuilding principles--two areas that at the time when I first started, I had barely explored. I have always been a prodding and curious sort of person, so I naturally began to explore these two new areas of information. It did not take long for a certain passion to begin to develop in me for all things anatomy. Years passed and my once humble body of knowledge began to grow quite large. I found myself focusing on three areas: Collagen formation, growth, re-modulation, and breakdown; Blood Vessel growth, formation, re-modulation, and maintenance; Effects of Mechanical Stimuli on Cells including growth, apoptosis, and adaptation that includes changes in multiple localized tissues. Separately, these three fields of research were fascinating--but together they had immediate potential. I knew that if I could connect these three fields in a united endeavor, it would be a step towards ground breaking change in the Penis Growth Communities. My first steps, which were threads I had posted on these forums were in the right area, but they were far from accurate enough for my tastes. It took another year or so for me to finally make the right connections. In my studies concerning the vascular system I decided to dig a bit deeper into what exactly "involuntary" meant. It took a while for my studies to get down deep enough to actually look at how exactly a smooth muscle is made. I have attached a picture to this file that I have pulled off of Google to shed light on the systems I will shortly discuss.

Please note the gap junctions: These gap junctions are the primary means that internal smooth muscle structures communicate with various systems outside of the cell in order to allow for trans-tissue and trans-systemal corporation. The primary system that smooth muscles must be able to communicate with and respond to is the heart. While yes, all organs have smooth muscles in them and respond to bioelectrical and biochemical signals, I always found the connection to the heart and humble smooth muscle to be something special. You see, the heart beats at various speeds in a minute depending on the person, but all the same, the amount typical would not be something that a voluntary or highly complicated system could respond to in a timely manner, or correctly for that matter, such as propagating a heartbeat throughout the whole of the vascular system--without simple underpinnings. When I first had this thought, I almost thought I was foolish for it...Almost. Because the whole of the cardiovascular system is comprised of hundreds of individual structures, chemical and bioelectrical signaling, and various mechanisms making it rather complicated--its most prominent feature must be something simplistic and practically fool proof in its design to ensure everything runs smoothly. This fool proof design I speak of is the Bayliss Effect Mechanism. The following is a diagram of what happens inside of a smooth muscle when a stretching force acts upon it:

Please note the middle line of the diagram then refer to the next image:

Please note the CA2+ molecule floating on the other side of the phospho-lipid bilayer. The smooth muscle uses this little molecule to contract by connecting to its internal contractile mechanisms shown below. However, before it can get there the closed channels must be opened. It is this dilemma which gave rise to the incredibly simplistic solution that is the Bayliss Effect Mechanism. When a smooth muscle reaches a certain level of stretch, and potentially at a certain speed as well, it causes these channels--also known as gap junctions--to open up allowing calcium to flood the inside of the smooth muscle which elicits a contraction right when its needed--during the stretch. Once the contraction occurs, the calcium is removed from the cell via a slightly slower internal mechanism. It is this slower mechanism that could be comparable to those in skeletal muscle which are responsible for long term adaptation. I say this due to a chain of events around this simple action which leads to increased activity in the nucleus of smooth muscles indicative of only one thing--the beginnings of cellular hypertrophy and subsequent hyperplasia.

Now, keeping in mind everything I have said thus far, I believed it would be safe to say that with a certain type of external stimuli I should be able to elicit a contraction from the smooth muscles--and therefore exercise the muscles. While yes, I would not be able to consciously flex my smooth muscles (or could I?--more in my book!) I should still be able to consciously act upon them with other means at my disposal such as my hands. It was from here that I ran into a spot of trouble. While yes, I now knew my penis smooth muscles could be exercised and therefore made to Tunica was still an obstacle, or was it? The following picture is a very accurate representation of what the male sex organs look like if it were removed from the body intact:

Now, in the PE community everybody has heard the comparison of a penis to a balloon. In light of my research I would like the PE community to take this comparison quite literally. Much like a balloon which is able to expand and contract based on internal pressures, so too is the penis. I understand that everybody already knows this, but what I now want to point out is that the smooth muscles in the penis are meant to be exercised in much the same way that a balloon expands and contracts. The penis was designed with this dynamic in mind, but it was also designed to withstand the forces placed against it such as occurs during sex. I say all of this to say, that while yes the tunica layers of the penis are thick, they are far from intractable should the proper stimuli be applied to them. I have designed two exercises to apply that crucial and all too specific "stimuli". They are called The M.A.I.R Techniques.
M.A.I.R Technique #1 : While your penis is in a flaccid but "chubbed" state such as it might be at 25-40% hardness take hold of your penis just under the glans and then proceed to wrap it around your other arm's wrist. To further explain, if you have grasped your penis with your right hand, proceed to bend it over the inward facing side of your left wrist and wrap it around your wrist so that you penis head is facing to the left or down and to the left if you are larger such as myself. Likewise do oppositely when grasping your penis just below the glans with your left hand. Now, while grasping your penis just below the glans and keeping it wrapped around your wrist, proceed to pull up and to the left or the right depending on your grip(gripping with right hand go to the left. gripping with left go to the right). Feel the stretch occurring in the cavernosal tubes of the penis. Specifically feel how the stretch occurs in one side more than the other due to how the technique is implemented. Now, proceed to relax your pull by returning to your beginning position in the opposite manner (e.g.-like you would when curling a weight. Whatever action taken do oppositely) and feel the tension leave your penis' smooth muscles. Begin to stretch and relax in the manner described for a total of twenty-five times per side. A completion of the reps requirement per side constitutes a set. Keep the speed of a completed rep (e.g.-placing a stretch on the penis tissues then returning to the relaxed position) between 1.0 and .05 Hertz (or 1-2 seconds). This exercise works the smooth muscles of the penis and tunica, but places stress specifically on the longitudinal fibers of the respective tunicas. However, it also seems to have the spillover effect of modestly increasing girth. This exercise is to be done first in the M.A.I.R Workout due to the expansive actions of the second M.A.I.R Technique which takes advantage of the temporary increase in tissue elasticity brought about by technique #1 in order to bring about a temporary measurable gain in erect dimensions in both length and girth.
M.A.I.R Technique #2: This technique takes advantage of the increased circulation brought about by technique #1. While your penis is in its normally erect size, begin to wrap two fingers around the base of your penis shaft. Proceed to place a slight pressure to trap blood in the penis. While applying this slight pressure proceed to perform a Kegel followed immediately by clamping down with your two fingers in order to trap the freshly Kegelled blood in your penis. Note the increase in penile hardness, indicative of an increase in internal cavernosal pressure. Now, proceed to perform the following actions in the order listed:
The following counts as one repetition.
1. Lighten the grip of your two fingers slightly.
2. Kegel blood into your penis.
3. Clamp down with your two fingers to trap the freshly Kegelled blood.
4. Squeeze your shaft with your two fingers until a pleasurable feeling of fullness/stretch is felt. This should not be an extreme or otherwise drastic increase in pressure. Pleasure is key for both the effectiveness and safety of the penile tissues.
The above mentioned actions should be done in rapid succession in order to increase the inter-cavernosal pressure with each subsequent repetition. Unlike the first M.A.I.R Technique I am not able to provide as narrow of a range. Try to keep each repetition between the range of .3 to .25 Hertz (or 3-4 seconds). Perform twenty-five repetitions per set.
In order to gain using the two techniques, it is advised to do these two exclusively. These techniques are literal exercises for the smooth muscle and are therefore quite intense. Also, these exercises should never be performed daily as it would lead to severe penile damage over time. These exercises require adequate rest periods in order for full effectiveness to occur. The following should be considered a minimal time period for rest: If working out Monday, exercise should not resume until Thursday; subsequently following after Thursday exercise should not resume until Sunday, likewise so forth.
An effective workout would consist of three to four sets of each exercise in one session, with #1 occurring before #2 as previously stated. After one month of training, it may be advisable to move up to four to five sets per session, but not more than that would be advisable unless the amount of erections per day exceed six with each having an individual duration of at least twenty minutes. These erections should be natural and not forced through stroking or other external stimuli such as pornography, but regular fantasy or erections obtained in the presence of women are acceptable. Lastly, it is not advisable to masturbate or ejaculate while using these techniques, as it reduces the inherent effectiveness of these techniques.
CAUTION: These Exercises require adequate rest periods. Failing to provide adequate rest periods can result in severe tissue damage including put not limited to: fascial tearing, burst blood vessels, ED, discoloration, and bleeding.
Also, here are a few things that those two exercises accomplished for me:
1. Erections came much more easily
2. My penis became very jelly-like in how it felt
3. The skin became much softer
4. Penis color became more vibrant
5. Temporary gains
6. Drastic increase in the amount of erections per day
7. Blood vessels became much larger
8. Large increase in the amount of visible blood vessels on my shaft
9. Veins that were angry and red became softer in color. (really, it’s kind of trippy)
10. Much larger penis head
11. Greatly reduced curvature
12. Gains in length
13. Gains in girth
I highly recommend the M.A.I.R Techniques. They will restore erectile function by encouraging revascularization and encouraging growth factor release.
Lastly, since this is common knowledge I highly encourage drinking about 10-15 grams of l-citrulline daily. Seriously it’s a boon for growth and improved blood vessel health. L-citrulline causes this because it synthesizes into Nitric oxide and up-regulates the biological expression of VEGF both locally and systemically.
I am currently writing a book about how to manipulate angiogenic pathways to increase penis size and thus far all is going well. When I get done with the book, I will release it on a few e-book websites for the low cost of $2.99 (no more and no less). It’s going to be a question and answer based book, and will be about a hundred or so pages long. Each question will be answered with a thorough breakdown of the answer.
No partial B.S. I want all the men out there to have a really awesome start to their penis growth endeavors.
The Breakdown of Mechanically Activated Involuntary Reflex Exercises.
Written By Adrian Caruso