My suggested routine for a beginner is...
Wear 3 lbs for 30 minutes to an hour in the morning, then again in the evening. Always follow your hang sessions with 5 -10 minutes of moderate to aggressive hand stretches. Then wear your "girth band" after your sessions to prevent retraction. It can and should be worn while sleeping too. As you progress you can add weight to your hang session. I started with 3 lbs myself, and within 3 months was up to 8 lbs, slowly adding a pound about every week or two. You should train 3 days on, one day off, 2 days on, one day off.... on your days off do some mild jelqing to keep your flaccid penis at it's max length.
You can adjust the routine to fit your schedule . The key is to remain consistent and to hang at least three days a week, two session per day.